Lolita Fashion By Vitae Clothing

I want to let you know about a small Lolita shop called Vitae Clothing they make and sell Japanese inspired nerdy and cute clothes. Check out the shop here or follow them on Facebook . Thank you to Steph for submitting!
Vitae Lolita Fashion Clothes Kawaii Blog

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Filed under Clothes, Lolita

8 Responses to Lolita Fashion By Vitae Clothing

  1. Ah Thank you so so much!
    That's me in the middle too with the blended purple hair!

  2. mirtha amigurumis

    so cute :) are beautiful!! I invite you to visite my amigurumi´s blog

  3. They really look so cute :)!

  4. Those clothes look very cute and beautiful:)!
    If you want, you can check out Finnish lolita shop called Cloudberry Lady here: Cloudberrylady

    • Thank you for the tip, however when I tried to visit Cloudberry Lady my computer told me that they where sending out malware (virus) so I removed the the link in your comment. I am sure they are not doing it intendedly and I hope they will get it fixed soon but I can not take the risk to visit the shop as it is at the moment.

  5. I wish i could pull this off!

  6. Wah cakep ya tulisannya gan, jadi pingin naik haji segera neh terima
    kasih postingannya sangat informatif, manfaat sekali gan terima kasih, bagus banget , bagus gan, boleh dong
    saya kirimgan, mau saya kirimgan , boleh ya saya kirim untuk kolega saya.
    Buruan jadwal sekarang juga biar tahun depan bisa naik haji


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