Category Archives: Blogs

Kawaii Blogs at Hawaii Kawaii Blog – This is a category page with everythin related to kawaii blogs including the best kawaii bloggers, kawaii blog themes, kawaii blog themes, kawaii blog icons, kawaii blog backgrounds and information about running a kawaii blog.

Top Kawaii Commenters This Month

Wiiiii thank you dear commenters, you make Hawaii Kawaii a better place with each one of your comments!

The top eight commenters the last month are…

1. Sarah
2. Sami
3. Kieli Heart
4. Taylala
5. Iris
6. Froggie
7. Chunkylicious
8. LynLyn-Chan

Thank You Gif Animation Kawaii Blog

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Cupcake Inhalers – Kawaii Gadgets

He he he… inhale cupcakes to loose weight. Fun but I would not trust this to help me loose any kilos… I found this crazy thing through the kawaii blog MyKawaiiSpace.
Vaportrim Cupcake Flavor Inhaler Kawaii Gadget Blog
Vaportrim Flavor Inhaler Kawaii Gadget Blog

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Kawaii Blogs: Paper Kawaii

I want to recommend a great kawaii blog called Paper Kawaii. They collect cute and kawaii papercrafts like kawaii origami, printables, DIY, stationary and much more. Visit them here!  
Paper Kawaii Paper Craft Blog

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Filed under Blogs, Kawaii Blogs, Papercraft

Top Commenters This Month – Kawaii Love ♥

This is a tribute post to the most devoted commenters the last month here on Hawaii Kawaii. Thank you ♥ From now on I will do a post like this about once a month.

1. Sami
2. Brittany Chenteale
3. Taylala
4. Chunkylicious
5. Iris
7. Drea
8. Koi

Thank You Text Kawaii Blog Hawaii Kawaii Comments

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Kawaii Linky Party – Link To Your Kawaii Places

I saw this Linky thingy on a great blog called Free Pretty Things and I wanted to try it out. It seems to be a great way to let you all share your cute places with each other and me :) So… Welcome to the first ever Hawaii Kawaii Linky Party! This is a chance for you all to promote your kawaii shop or kawaii blog to all who visit Hawaii Kawaii!


1. Link your kawaii places. You can link to your blog and shop or some other site but it has to be kawaii related or at least kawaii friendly :) Two submissions max per person (like your shop and your blog).

2. Link back from your site, it can be anywhere on your site like in a blog post or in the sidebar.

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Filed under Blogs, Linky Party

Wanted: Kawaii Guest Authors

In my first ever blog survey recently I got a suggestion from one of you fantastic readers who participated (thank you all!) that I should take in guest authors here at Hawaii Kawaii. As you may know I have, besides Hawaii Kawaii, two other blogs, Kawaii Foods and Kawaii Wallpapers so it can sometimes be a bit daunting with my full time university studies and three blogs, ha ha ha. But it is always a lot of fun! Anyway, I want to announce that I am looking for guest authors to all of my blogs. If you are interested send me an email with the first blog post you would write and to which blog you want to write. What I generally look for in a blog post is of course kawaii but also colors, happy, fun, girly, japan, white background, crazy… something like that. This is exiting, I can't wait to get your emails!
Kawaii Toast and Toaster Love by nickbachman Kawaii Blog
(pic by Nick Bachman)

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Kawaii Blogging Tips And Tricks #3 – Define Your Keywords

This is the third blog post in the series about how to create a blog with a loads of traffic. In this post I will dive in to the issue of keywords. I believe that it is of the most importance to think about which your top keywords are, the words that define your blog or business. I think your list should consist of about five to ten keywords.

So how do I know what keywords are the most important? I try to think like this, the person that I want visiting my website, what would she search for? What do I myself search for?  What am I writing about? Those would be the keywords that is the most important for me and my web sites. It is also helpful to sign up for as they provide a list of the top ten keywords that Google think your blog has. Will that list match the keywords you have chosen? If not you can definitely do something to change that!

Kawaii Blogging Tip Kawaii Blog Love Your Key Words

When you have your list of words you should incorporate your top keywords in the title of your blog posts, in the content of your blog posts and in the tags of your posts. Also try to name the pictures you post and any other static pictures on your blog with your top keywords as well as with the 'alt'-description for the pictures. If you want to check if you have named a picture, just hoover the mouse over it and if a text appears then it is named. For those of you that are in the process of building your blog from scratch you should consider to put your most important keyword in both the title of your blog and the URL-address like I have 'kawaii' in my address Never choose a totally different blog title than your web address. Use the keywords as much and often as you can, but do not spam. Google hates spammers and likes quality content so pick out good topics that fit your keywords.

Another issue is the fact that many blogs call themselves for example a 'kawaii blog' or a 'food blog' but does not post blog content to reflect that. I believe that if you want to be successful in your genre you have to restrain yourself from blogging about stuff that is outside of your field, to some extent at least. There is nothing wrong with blogging a little bit about everything but if you want your readers and Google to understand your 'point of view' you have to be very clear. This is where your keywords can help you. When I have a hard time to decide if I should feature something in the blog I go back to what I have decided that Hawaii Kawaii should be about and if it doesn't fit my vision and my top keywords I simply do not blog about it.

That was it for this time, if you have any questions about the subject of keywords or any other blog trix stuff make a comment and I will try to answer to the best of my ability. You can also check out the other blog posts in my series about kawaii blog tips and tricks!

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Filed under Blogs, How To Blog