Ask Me And F.A.Q.

10 Responses to Ask Me And F.A.Q.

  1. Ling

    hi,i was wondering if you could follow my blog?i post about cute things too:) here's the link:

  2. Hi there. I really liked your blog. I just recently started my own blog about cute things and was wondering if you'd like to follow it.

  3. Hi! I really love your site here and I visit so often. I blog occasionally about kawaii things so I would appreciate it if you would follow me. Thanks :)

  4. Deniz

    Hello!I adore your blog,it is so kawaii!Can you follow my blog? Thanks!

  5. Robyn

    Hi I'm from England. How do I buy your stuff?

    Thank you Robyn xx

  6. Lafayette Beretervide

    I would like to get the hot pink bunny iphone case..where do i get it from ?

  7. An

    hello! would you like to be blog partners? I think we were at one point [because somehow I already have your logo on the side of my page] but I can't seem to find mine on yours. I love your blog so I have no problem promoting it =)
    I hope you like my blog as well, it'd mean so much if you visited!
    Please get back to me via email or on my blog! Thanks so much =)

I get a lot of random questions about Hawaii Kawaii, so I thought that I would share some of the answers with all of you. Feel free to ask more questions at info [a] hawaiikawaii dot net or you can ask me anything here.

What does "kawaii" mean?
It is Japanese and means cute.

Which are your favorite kawaii blogs?
There are so many, I wrote a blog post about some of my favorite kawaii blogs here.

What blog platform do you use for Hawaii Kawaii?
I use Blogger but I whish that had chosen selfhosted WordPress instead  ( not WordPress is better in many, many ways. I have just recently moved Hawaii Kawaii to selfhosted WordPress.

Do you drive a pink car?
No, but I wish I did!

How can I get more followers for my blog?
First get a niche for your blog to define what makes your blog special and se if you can enhance that. Then make a lot of comments (not spam though) and publicly follow a lot of blogs, many nice bloggers follow back. Make sure that your public profile is linked to the blog you want people to follow, very often I find people forget that. Get a profile picture that draws attention, people are more likely to click on a fun looking pic than a grey photo. And always post fotos or pictures with EVERY blog post, many readers don't read very much. They want to browse by looking, me included. Good luck!

How can I get more comments on my blogposts?
The absolute best way to get comments is to comment your self on other blogs, you can also leave a link to your blog under your comment. In addition to that it has to do with what you post in your blog. I have no definite answer here, sometimes people comment a lot on posts that I didn't think they would and the other way around to. You just have to se what works for you, if you notice that one post gets loads of comments try to make similar blog posts.

What program do you use to make the graphics for Hawaii Kawaii?
I use mostly Illustrator and for editing photos and making animated, moving stuff I use Photoshop.

Where can I find kawaii wallpapers for my computer/iPhone/iPad background?
Here is a link to all kawaii wallpapers that I have ever posted on Hawaii Kawaii. You can also visit Hawaii Kawaii's sister blog Kawaii Wallpapers that has published loads of kawaii wallpapers for iPhone, iPad and computers.

How much traffic does Hawaii Kawaii have?
Around 200,000 viewings and 80,000 unique visitors a month.

Can I advertise on Hawaii Kawaii and can you host a giveaway with my products??
Yes, you can read all about it here!

Thank you for visiting Hawaii Kawaii blog

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