Category Archives: USB

Mimobot Kawaii USB Flash Drives

Have you seen the kawaii USB flash drives from Mimobot? I have the Hello Kitty one in the middle. Which one is your favorite?
Mimobot Kawaii Flash Drives Usb Kawaii Blog 2Mimobot Kawaii Flash Drives Usb Kawaii Blog 3Mimobot Kawaii Flash Drives Usb Kawaii Blog

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Kawaii USB Dolls – Kawaii Gadgets

I love these cute USB flashdrives kawaii dolls. Practical and cute!

Kawaii USB Doll Kawaii Cuteness USB Flashdrive Blog 3Kawaii USB Doll Kawaii Cuteness USB Flashdrive BlogKawaii Bride USB Doll Kawaii Cuteness USB Flashdrive Blog

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Hello Kitty USB From Mimobot

So as you may have noticed I posted a poll about what you readers want to see more of here at Hawaii Kawaii. If you haven't voted yet you can in the column to the right ——->. Hello Kitty is at the moment in the lead with 4 votes, so to prove that I listen to you I here by present another Hello Kitty post:

Hello Kitty USB flash drives from Mimobot

I have written before about Mimobot (see here) and their cute flash drives but now they have released a series of Hello Kitty flash drives to die for.

Mimobot, I command you to send me one NOW!

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Filed under Hello Kitty, USB

Rabbit USB Handwarmers – Kawaii Computer Gadgets

Ha ha ha…. rabbit USB handwarmers, is there really a need for this on the market? I actually worked in a pretty chilly office once but I solved it with a cardigan. Do you have a problem with freezing hands in the office?

Anyway if you feel that you just have to get them here is where you should go!

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Kawaii USB Flash Drives

Why should you settle for boring USB devices. At Mimobot they sell loads of adorable designer USB flash drives, check them out here!

pupstar usb flash drive cute kawaii pink usb flash drive cute kawaii nero pink usb flash drive cute kawaii

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