Category Archives: Make Up
Lime Crime Bold Colored Lipstick
Who dares bright color lipstick? I have to confess that I usually go for a more suttle colored lip but when I see these I get tempted to go bold. These and more can be bought at Lime Crime.
Filed under Make Up
Lipgloss In Owl Containers
Arn't these the sweetest? Owl lip gloss with fragrance of mint, chocolate caramel, chocolate mint and strawberry. What, no owl fragrance?
Filed under Make Up
Pastel Lipstick In Spring Colors – Kawaii Make Up
Lipstick in colors so delicious I makes me think of ice cream and candy. Yummy and pretty! Get them at SassyNpunk!
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Pink Sparkling Lips – Make Up
I need more glitter in my life!
(pic source)
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Lime Crime Makeup Sale
Shana Logic is having a sale on the fabulous Limecrime eyeshadow line. I personally love bold eyeshadow colors, viva 80s ^^. Hop over there and make some great finds.

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Ganguro Make Up By Gloria
I just learned about Ganguro (Black Face Girls) that is a japanese fashion style which characterises in very heavy make up, dark foundation, white eyes and lips and bleached hair, totally kawaiiiiiii.
Anyway, here is a very entertaning video made by Gloria from the states who shows how to apply all 3 tons of make up. Prepare for a bit dirty language ha ha.
Maby Ill try this out for halloween :)