Monthly Archives: March 2011
Sentimental Circus Tote Bag – San-X Kawaii
This Sentimental Circus tote bag from kawaii company San-X is so cute.
Filed under Bags
Hawaii Kawaii Moving To WordPress
I am moving Hawaii Kawaii to the WordPress platform. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time due to Wordpess' superiority to Blogger (in my opinion :) and now I shall finally practice what I preach. The move will hopfully go quickly but there might be some hours of downtime. The web address will be the same ( so you should not have to change any of your links. As for the design we will just have to see what I make of it….
Filed under Blogs, Hawaii Kawaii
Pretty Cupcakes
Ohh, pretty, pretty, pretty… I would not dare to take a bite on one of those… Recent cute cupcake posts on Hawaii Kawaii: Cupcake Toothpaste, Cupcake Tree, Watermelon Cupcakes, Bubblegum Cupcakes.
Filed under Cupcakes
Nintendo Candy, Mushrooms And Zelda Shield Boxes
OMG these Nintendo candy cases are sooooo nerdy-licious. I don't know which I would like more the mushrooms or the epic Zelda-shield-case. More kawaii Nintendo articles: Princess Peach Tattoo, Super Mario Bros Icons, Super Mario Sneakers.
Hello Kitty Donut Bag & Wallet
I am in love with this Hello Kitty donut bag with matching wallet from JapanLa. Previous hello kitty bag posts on Hawaii Kawaii can be seen here: Hello Kitty Bags, Kawaii Bags, Tenshi Neko Kawaii Bags.
Filed under Bags, Hello Kitty
Kawaii Games: Yokai
The kawaii platformer Yokai is in the making right now by game developers Bad Company. I will post a release date as soon as I find one. Earlier posts on kawaii games: Kosmo Spin Kawaii Game, Kawaii Games: Maru.

Filed under Games
Bears In Tree
Ha ha ha … a bear tree. I can count to at least 11 bears… More cute animals here: Adorable Panda Gif, Party Hats Cats, Kawaii Puppies.

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Filed under Animals