Monthly Archives: January 2011
Tenshi-Neko Bag And Pink Bow T-Shirt
Ohhh look at this super kawaii spring bag with kawaii character Tenshi Neko, which means angel cat in Japanese. She is so cute! This and alot of other cute bag designs are avalible at kawaii web shop Starscastle. The shirt is my pink bow v-neck t-shirt .

Filed under Bags
Nyan Nyan Nyanko Wallpaper – Nyanko In Japanese Food
Filed under San-X, Wallpapers
Rilakkuma Kawaii Ya Giveaway Winner
And the winner of the Kawaii Ya Rilakkuma giveaway is….. drumroll….. Lu Lu! Congratulations! I will contact you for your adress so that the Rilakkuma cuteness can be sent to you. Thank you to Kawaii Ya and visit their website for a huge selection of kawaii stationary and more cuteness. Here is the random number generator used to pick the winner.

Baby Blue Nike's – My New Shoes
Look at the new shoes I bought, I was so happy when I found them on 70% off!? Can you believe it? I am just sad that it is still to cold and snowy here in Sweden to wear them…
Filed under Shoes
Pink Car Of Amazingness – Kawaii Cars
OMG…. this is SO my car! This is the perfect pink color for a car and it looks so 80s, love it!
(via Pink Tentacle)
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Filed under Transportation
Kitchen Dessert Sponges – Kitchen Kawaii
Oh, how awesomely cute! Sponges for the kitchen in dessert shapes, would make washing up som much more enjoyable, don't you think? OOhhh nooooo, it's never enjoyable even with cute sponges, who am I kidding? But they are totally cute anyway and you can get them here!

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Filed under Kitchen